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Monday, June 25, 2012

"The Water's Edge"

I walk out to the water's edge
Reflecting on you.
As the sunlight's warmth hits me.
But, of everything around me,
I almost don't have a clue.

Oblivious to all around me
As I ponder on everything-
On who you are,
And on what you've said-
To understand some things.

And as I look out on the water
That reflects the sunlight at day,
I decide that I accept everything about you
Including your views in life
That you'd told me, today.

And I now smile at the water's edge
Because for the first time, I see
That I can be at peace
Because of you
And of what you'd said to me.

Author:  April Morone ('Annika Doe')
Date, written:  June 25th, 2012

"The Water's Edge: Timothy’s Version"
This poem I wrote to show as though from Tim's perspective (Tim is a friend of mine who has said and shown that he used to go to the water's edge top reflect, as well, and he had told me about what he often ponders).  I wanted to write this poem from this perspective, as well, because I never could yet put down his thoughts and ponderings into words about what he's told me that he ponders, until now.  And the title of my previous poem, "The Water's Edge" that I'd just written, tonight, before this poem seemed to be the perfect title for this poem, as well.  So, I decided to actually use that same title for this poem, as well, since it is so fitting of title for this poem, as well, and to then extend that title name to show from whose perspective this poem is, and to show that this particular time, this poem is from his perspective.  Anyway, that poem is below:

"The Water's Edge: Timothy's Version"

I look out over water's edge
And today, I see,
Reflected in its surface,
All my hopes and dreams
That never happened, yet, to me.

I think upon those youthful days
And of those years wasted and lost,
And I think to myself as I stare out,
That I might also have missed out on love,
And I ponder the wasted years' cost.

I now notice the sun has set,
But I've no desire to head back in.
Not ready to face the world, yet, tonight,
Much too sad and worn.
So, tonight, the water's edge will be my haven.

I sit, quietly, taking it in
Of the silence and peace of night,
And of the sight of the moonlight
As it reflects on the water,
Which calms me, tonight.

Author:  April Morone
Date, written:  June 25th, 2012
Contributor:  Timothy (whose last name, I will keep confidential as requested by Timothy)

"Love's Requiem"

"Love's Requiem" (my poem)

I die each time
That I see your face
And your silhouette
As your apparition leaves me
Down the steps in grace.

My breath gets caught
As I stare at you,
And so I follow
Because that is all I can do
Whenever I see you.

Out into the dead of night,
Down these steps, I flee,
As I look around for you.
But you've gone away, and so,
I search, fervently.

Where are you?
Where did you go?
Come to me, again, my love,
And stay.
You make me happier than you know.

I see you everywhere,
As though
You also can't let go.
Please show up, once more, for me.
Don't leave me in woe.

It feels as though I die
Each time I see you near-
Your beauty mesmerising, still-
And I die even more, it seems,
When you aren't here.

So, I wait for you, Darling,
I wait for you, here.

Author:  April Morone
Date, written:  June 7th, 2012
Revision date:  June 19th, 2012

*This is written as though from a man's perspective for the woman he's lost in a tragic accident that left her dead, yet he cannot see that she truly is gone.  In his mind, she is not yet completely gone, he loves her that much.  And so, he is tormented by her apparition out of his love for her that he still has-that of what is said to be "Love's Requiem," or love's chant/rhythm/beat-that is said to never fully go away.  I envisioned this when hearing a song by the band "Trading Yesterday," titled "Love Song Requiem."  The title I chose, I chose because it was too fitting to the storyline that popped into my head while I'd been listening to that song as I'd been drifting off into sleep.  The title I chose is, I realise, a bit too close to the band's song title.  But, nothing else seemed fitting, enough, to the storyline of the story I saw of imagination when I'd heard that song.  Anyhow, when seeing this storyline in my mind as I'd heard that song, I saw in my imagination, Victorian era time frame and period clothing, etc., and a backyard being of extravagant design, with rose bushes and wonderful prim and proper rose bushes, and these elegant steps that seem to go down, a bit, to get to the yard.  the house a top the steps, magnificent in its own right, and the apparition of the gentleman's wife who'd passed away, going down the steps when eerily haunting him in/caused by his imagination and love for her that he still has.  And I envisioned him going down those elegant steps, past the elegant rose bushes in search of her, at night time, but to no avail, as she slips out of sight. But, because I am probably not so good at storytelling, I resolve to telling it all in a poem and then in a description adjacent to the poem about the story I imagined.