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Saturday, December 24, 2011

"Need You"

*Per the suggestion of a very good friend, I decided to write a poem to get through something I've been going through, of late. And so, I wrote the following poem to help get through that something I've been going through. Below is that poem:

"Need You"

When all is said and done,
I need you
To help lift me up.
I need you.

When all else fails,
I need you
Cus I cannot keep up.
I need you.

When life is simply too difficult,
I need you
Here by my side.
I need you.

When I've even lost the will to live,
I need you
Even more to help me through.
I need you.

[And] when words fail me to reach out for help,
[That's when] I need you,
The most.
[God, please,] I need you.

Author: April Morone
Date, written: Nov. 22nd, 2011


  1. Ty, hon. I am very glad that you like this poem. It truly came from my heart. I worried that my poem, here, had possibly sounded too repetitive and corny in its expression of my need for help by Him and my dedication to Him. I am very glad that it didn't.
