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Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Pretend with me
for a little while...
touch me
pleasure me
make me smile

Pretend with me
that you actually care
show tenderness
in a long, romantic stare

Pretend with me
that I rock your world
and that I'm in your dreams
that you try to unfurl

Pretend with me
that you love me
if only for a night-
tell me what I want to hear
to make it alright

Pretend with me
and I'll pretend, too,
if only for a night,
that I am an equal to you

Pretend with me
that you have no hate
that you are truly kind
and that love can be because of fate

Pretend with me
that life is worth living-
that domestic violence doesn't reign
and that men can be truly giving

[So just] Pretend with me
for a little while
that you love me-
make me smile

Pretend with me
that life is sweet,
that you respect me,
and that I help to make your
life complete....

Pretend with me...
Just pretend, please....

Author: April Morone


  1. This was truly a heart warming piece April. I look forward to reading more of your poems.

  2. Janet,
    Ty (Thank you), hon. My other poems can be found in 'Poetry Corner,' a poetry group that is on Writer's Digest site ( and on Facebook. I look forward to seeing you, there if you decide to go there to read them.
